Newly Acquired Gamecock Catcher Zander Buchan Goes Deep Tuesday Night 

For Immediate Release:

June 21, 2023

Blowfish vs Macon Rained Out Wednesday

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday contest between the Blowfish and Macon Bacon has been called due to the rain and wet field conditions. It will be made up in Macon as part of a doubleheader starting at 6pm.

Next home games for the Blowfish this week are Thursday 4:05pm DH vs Wilmington, Friday is a split squad with the Blowfish playing at home vs the Catawba Valley Stars 7:05pm and on the at Macon 7pm start. The homestand will end with our Annual Ft Jackson Appreciation Night Saturday when the Blowfish take on the Florence Flamingos at 7:05pm followed by a post game fireworks show.

For tickets call 803-254-3474(FISH) or go to: